
Useful CLI tools for OSX

Over years doing my daily Go programming job, I collected few CLI tools that I use everyday to improve my terminal experience. Here is the list of those I use the most: tig brew install tig Everyone dealing with git know browsing the Git repository history using git log command. While this always get optimal results, in some cases I would like to search in the logs or use different log format.
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Use DigitalOcean Spaces as Docker Registry storage

DigitalOcean recently introduced Spaces which is their name for an Object Storage service similar to Amazon S3. Since I run OpenShift on DigitalOcean, I was curios if instead of pushing my images into Amazon S3 I can just use “in-house” service that should give me better performance. To make Spaces work for Docker Registry in OpenShift (or in Kubernetes) you need to first create your “bucket” (aka “Space Name”). In DigitalOcean admin interface, click “Create” and then navigate to bottom of the list and hist “Spaces”.
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Use xhyve for development on OSX

If you are working on Mac and use Docker, you might noticed that Docker now runs natively on OSX using xhyve. The xhyve is a port of bhyve to OS X. It is built on top of Hypervisor.framework and available from OS X version 10.10. If you are developing code that runs on Linux, your options on OSX are basically limited to Virtualbox, Parallels or VMWare. Not anymore! You can use xhyve to run your Linux VMs now and it is pretty easy.
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Building secure Docker images

A lot was written about Docker security and how to run Docker in a secure way. But there are not many articles describing how to write Docker images, which are secure and easy to maitain. According to this article over 30% of the official Docker images published to Docker Hub contain some security vuleabilities. Here is my list of rules to follow when I’m building Docker images: Do not run as “root” - almost every image published on Docker hub does not set the USER instruction, which means they expect to be run as the root user.
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Simple file hosting on OpenShift

I often need to upload something really fast to make it available for somebody. That includes PDF files with my presentations, error logs, pictures or random meme pictures I can then link to. In 99% of cases all I want is to simply scp the file into my DigitalOcean instance and run some small web server serving the directory where I uploading the file to public. To make this possible on OpenShift v3 that I run, following was needed:
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How to run Hugo on OpenShift v3

In my previous post I described how I transitioned myself into the container era by installing the OpenShift v3 in DigitalOcean and containerizing my applications. This post will describe how I moved from my previous blog engine to Hugo engine. My previous blog engine was a hand-written Sinatra application that was just serving Markdown files. Everything else was just Javascript. While that seems pretty decent and minimal, in fact it is not.
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Running OpenShift v3 on DigitalOcean

I’m running this blog (and couple other blogs and side-projects) on DigitalOcean since 2014. Till this week, my VM looked like a typical VM from 90’: mysql server, nginx+php, irssi. Nothing special about that setup really. But, since I’m currently busy working on the OpenShift v3 platform, I convinced myself to upgrade to the “containers era”. This blog post describes the steps I’ve take to run the latest OpenShift v3 platform and next post will explain how I containerized the apps I ran (this site included).
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Publishing reveal.js presentations using OpenShift

There are numerous reasons why I love creating my slides as a simple HTML page, for example, I don’t want to collect emails of people that ask me to send them those, or I’m not worried that the format of my slides will not be recognized or the presentation will look terrible on someone else’s machine. The other reason is that I simply hate all presentation software, including Apple Keynote, LibreOffice Presenter or the one from Microsoft.
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Publishing reveal.js presentations using OpenShift

There are numerous reasons why I love creating my slides as a simple HTML page, for example, I don’t want to collect emails of people that ask me to send them those, or I’m not worried that the format of my slides will not be recognized or the presentation will look terrible on someone else’s machine. The other reason is that I simply hate all presentation software, including Apple Keynote, LibreOffice Presenter or the one from Microsoft.
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OpenShift v2 in DigitalOcean

DigitalOcean is a new IaaS provider, similar to the Amazon EC2. Comparing to the AWS, DigitalOcean is still a small fish in the IaaS cloud market, but due to their offerring of SSD storage, they are attracting more and more users. OpenShift is a PaaS service, developed by Red Hat. OpenShift Origin, compared to the Heroku is an OpenSource project, so you can install it on your own machine and then run your own PaaS.
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