Deltacloud API using modular Sinatra way

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When we started the Deltacloud API project three years ago, we thought the best way how to do it would be to use the Sinatra framework. This Ruby framework provides a simple DSL for writing small-size web applications. And since Deltacloud API does not use any database or complicated messaging system it is perfect use-case for Sinatra application.

However, after a while, we realized that using just plain Sinatra routes is not perfectly DRY, since we repeated too much code and actions. So we developed the Rabbit. This small DSL allows us to build a robust REST API application with many collections and operations with just little effort.

After a while, the Sinatra guys came with a new approach how to write applications. Instead of using the application way, where you type routes directly to the Ruby file, you can create classes, inherit from Sinatra::Base class and then run these classes as Rack containers. This approach has many benefits. The biggest one is that every Sinatra class could be mounted as a Rack container to other Rack compatible framework (like Rails). In simple words, you can connect pieces of your web application like puzzle. The second benefit is that your application doesn’t run immediately after it’s launched by the Ruby interpreter. Instead you need to use some ‘rack’ deployer, like rackup or thin to spawn the whole application.

We realized that using the ‘old’ way to write Sinatra apps could be somehow limiting us in future and it could disallow us to use power of the Rack containers. Also, we keep listening to community and community is demanding a Ruby library, that will use our ‘drivers’ with a rock solid API, just like fog is doing.

So I spent several hours thinking about how to simply rewrite Deltacloud API in the Sinatra modular manner. It looked to be an impossible task in begging but I accepted that challenge.

The first puzzle which was needed was the Rabbit DSL. The web part of Deltacloud API is written entirely in this framework, so changing it back to plain routes would cause Rabbit to loose all the powerful features it has.

So I extracted Rabbit out from Deltacloud API and published it on Github. I rewrote it from scratch, but I tried very hard to preserve all the features and syntax we are used to work with. I think I was pretty successful in this and Rabbit is now feature complete with ~90% of code coverage.

The next hard step was to deal with different features, we have in Deltacloud API that are very tide to our drivers, like ‘features’, ‘dynamic driver switching’ or ‘capabilities’. Those bits were very important to us, so changing them or removing them would break our promise of backward compatibility.

So currently, I have almost all collections ported to modular Deltacloud API, and almost all drivers work as well. Those drivers which do not work now , require just small tweaks to start working properly. You can see the progress in another Github repository.

Of course, I have made big changes to our internal code structure. First, all collections are implemented as independent Sinatra::Base classes and isolated in application as ‘modules’. The simple collection looks like this:

As you can see, the syntax is the same as in internal Deltacloud API Rabbit, however there are some tweaks I made to make it more effective. The first tweak you can see is that for the :show operation, there is no param :id defined. I realized that some particular REST operations we have in Rabbit, always set this parameter, so now Rabbit will do it automatically. The next thing is that I removed description (well is still there). The truth is that we did not used it too often and the description of collections and operations was just repeating all the time. Now Rabbit is generating this automatically as well.

There are more tweaks I want to demonstrate on the other collection example:

The first things you can see are the check_capability and the check_features methods in the very beginning of the class. These ’triggers’ will set a lambda (Ruby stored procedure) and will call this lambda when processing the HTTP request.

The capability check will assure that method required for executing operation is available in the driver. So in other words, when the driver does not have create_instance method defined, the :create operation will return HTTP status 417 (Precondition failed) to the client. The reason I used lambda function is that the driver variable can change ‘per-request’ as the client switch the Deltacloud API driver. So the evaluation whether the operation should be executed or not is done for every request. The :with_capability option will tell Rabbit what method should be checked on driver.

The next important things are features. In Deltacloud API we support many cloud providers and for some of them you can use additional parameters in the HTTP request to set or change features, that are available only for a particular driver.

And since the Rabbit and Deltacloud API are now completely separated, there is no longer connection from Rabbit to the drivers code. In fact, Rabbit can be used now for any other Sinatra-based project. So I added another lambda, to check if the driver that is currently set for the current HTTP request has defined the given feature.

If it has the feature defined, then we add a new parameter to the particular operation. In simple words, if the EC2 driver has user_data feature enabled in the driver, then additional :user_data parameter will be added to the :create operation.

The last, but important change is that I renamed those operation which always acts as ‘actions’ to action. This operation will automatically get the :id parameter and is defined as HTTP POST (this can be changed using :http_method).

I think the biggest pain is now resolved and there is now a way to go to implement modular Deltacloud API. There is still a ton of work to be done, like importing all the unit tests and cucumber tests we have in Deltacloud currently, or the automatic documentation system.

The project could be now deployed or mounted as regular Rack container. I used the file, which define how it should be started:

The same approach can be used in Rails or Padrino framework, so in theory, you can access Deltacloud API without your application, without running it as separate daemon.